With enhanced XR visualization throughout the entire procedure, your surgical team can operate with even more confidence.
Experience surgery like never before.
Navigate With Confidence
Perform efficiently and precisely with intraoperative visualization and guidance used in thousands of real-world cases.
A Modern Operating Room
Synchronize your approach with preplanned visualization to perform the safest, most minimally invasive procedures.
Seamless Integration
Use Surgical Theater with your existing surgical navigation technology, platforms, devices, and tools.
Navigate through tools and DICOM images seamlessly presented within the AR environment.
Overlay relevant anatomical renderings onto the live view, ensuring your focus remains on the surgical site.
- Cranial, OR Visualization, Surgical Planning
The Inaugural “Century” of Mixed Reality in Cranial Surgery: Virtual Reality Rehearsal/Augmented Reality Guidance and Its Learning Curve in the First 100-Case, Single-Surgeon Series
- Cranial, OR Visualization, Patient Engagement, Surgical Planning
Patient-specific virtual reality technology for complex neurosurgical cases: illustrative cases
- OR Visualization, Spine